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Debra Williams (Debra Clewer-author), is an Australian writer of both adult and children's fiction. She worked in a wide range of settings with children over a 30+ year period. Her adult short stories have been published on the U.S. Reedsy blog site and the former ABC: Open site. Debra has a Middle-Grade trilogy, The Harriet Series published. She has also had 3 short stories published in the Australian anthology Enchanted/Things That Go Bump (a flip book), and another short story in the Dear Jesus diaries, published in November 2021. Debra currently has 2 Chapter Book titles. The first, Ah-Fur, Super Sleuth-The Case of the Missing Moggies, was published in August 2022.
The second-The Groovee Granniez Super Snooper Squad-The Missing Ingredient Mystery, has been completed and now awaits future direction. 
Two more short stories are in the wings: a Middle-Grade story written in 2019 will be included in an upcoming anthology. A YA fantasy/folk/fairy tale is in progress for another anthology.
A Goodreads author and reader, 
Debra is passionate about encouraging and enthusing children with their reading and imagination. Smithton in far North-West Tasmania is where Debra calls home with her husband and a collection of story-telling puppets, manufactured by her.

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Debra Williams (Debra Clewer, author) resides in far North-West Tasmania. She moved there in 2020 after a lifetime in Sydney and country NSW.  Debra has 3 Middle-Grade time travel historical fiction novels independently published (The Harriet Series), with the 4th Harriet adventure currently under construction.

 She has 8 children’s stories published in anthologies, along with several short (mostly adult) stories published online on the UK-based Reedsy site. In 2021, Debra was long listed in the Just Write For Kids Australia Pitch It! competition. In 2023 she was shortlisted in the same competition.

In 2022, Debra released her first chapter book, Ah-Fur, Super Sleuth: The Case of the Missing Moggies. The second book in the series, The Stolen Chocolate Caper, is awaiting publication. Another Junior Fiction story, Mason McCluskey, Basset on the Beat: The Great Dog and Food Filch Caper, has been edited and will hopefully be the first in a series.

Debra’s secondary interest is in creating custom-made puppets, particularly for other authors.

A Goodreads author and reviewer, Debra is passionate about encouraging and enthusing children with their reading and imagination. Smithton in far North-West Tasmania is where Debra calls home with her husband and a collection of story-telling puppets, created by her.

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